Selling a Strata Portfolio
StrataMax have over 25 years in the strata industry and are able to help you find the right buyer for your portfolio or strata roll. Any conversations are private and confidential with StrataMax offering their industry knowledge to help with your options.
As a seller who are your buyers? A buyer could be any one of the following:
- a large national strata company
- a local strata business
- management buy-out/buy-in
- new strata business
Considerations When Selling a Strata Portfolio

Points worth considering include:
- Are you at the exit stage of your business lifecycle?
- How much is your strata portfolio worth?
- What can you do to maximise the value of your asset now?
- Will your clients will be looked after by the new owners to the same standard as you provide?
- How will staff be transitioned into the new business?
- What is the reputation of the purchaser?
- What will your role be post-sale?
- Is there sufficient confidentiality of negotiations?
- Does the culture of your current business fit into the new business?
- The unique services you offer which clients now expect, will they carry through to the new business?
- Do you suffer from key man dependency in your current business - if you leave will the business survive?
- What considerations do buyers make which you need to keep in mind?
These questions are not exhaustive but give some good starting discussion points which should be considered when selling your strata portfolio or strata roll.
StrataMax Can Help
StrataMax have extensive experience in strata and currently have nearly 600,000 lots managed using StrataMax software. We understand this industry at every stage. We are able to facilitate introductions and share our knowledge and expertise to help support your decisions.
Contact us today for a confidential conversation by calling 1800 656 368.